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Validate Matches

Get Started > API User Guide > Validate Matches

Validate Matches

As part of your review of the list of potential matches and their associates, you can then confirm or dismiss a match based on the information you hold about your customer or any extra details you may request from your customer.

Confirm Matches

Example request:

Terminal window
curl -X POST{customer_id}/screenings}/{screening_id}/matches/{match_id}/confirm \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer your_token'

Dismiss Matches

Example request:

Terminal window
curl -X POST{customer_id}/screenings}/{screening_id}/matches/{match_id}/dismiss \
-H 'Authorization: Bearer your_token'

Screening Status

Once you have validated all the matches for a given screening request, the corresponding outcome in the Screening object will be updated accordingly and the status will be set to DONE.

Example response:

"id": "2314c348-ece5-4eac-803c-313d5e086a0e",
"created_at": "2018-02-09T00:14:02.458Z",
"updated_at": "2018-02-09T00:14:07.793Z",
"scope": [
"status": "DONE",
"outcome": {
"customer_id": "9852967d-3f52-496b-955d-e737abd8c246",
"entity_name": "Jon Doe"

Please refer to the API Reference for further information regarding the Matches API.