ClearDil API 1.0
Updated 2022-02-21
This document is a detailed reference for our REST API.
The ClearDil API offers a framework and functionality for businesses that want to automate their Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) processes. The API is built using REST endpoints - it has predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and uses HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. JSON is returned by all API responses, including errors.
As a general guideline, if a property has an empty or null value, we drop it from the JSON unless there’s a strong semantic reason for its existence.
We’ve designed our documentation to be easy to use. It is grouped by feature sets and offers practical examples.
API endpoint
Examples in this documentation are generated using Postman.
Sandbox environment.
Please note that data in the sandbox environment is deleted periodically.
Try Now
Try the ClearDil API in seconds. Create your first customer, perform screening checks, and more by following the steps below.
Access your test token
To make our API as explorable as possible, accounts have sandbox and live API keys. Just use the appropriate key along with the corresponding ClearDil domain to perform a live call to, or test call to Requests made to the sandbox environment will not incur a cost.
Register an account with us to immediately access your live and sandbox token from your Dashboard.
Create customer
As a first step, a customer must be created to facilitate all further checks. Let’s create the customer John Doe using your token. Copy the curl request on the right, replace test_api_token with your given test token, and run it in your terminal to create a customer. You should see the created customer object in the response. Note down the `id` attribute of the customer as it is required for the next step.
Screen customer
Now that we created a customer, you are ready to run a screening check against ClearDil’s global watchlist and Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) database.
Copy the curl request on the right, replace customer_id with the customer id
generated previously, and run it in your terminal to start screening.
You should see the created screening object in the response. In this case, the check has completed and the result is a clear. Please note that this is a result based on a simulated run, as screenings are not actually run against real-life databases in the sandbox environment.
Now that we created a customer, you are ready to run a screening check against ClearDil’s global watchlist and Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) database.
Copy the curl request on the right, replace customer_id with the customer id
generated previously, and run it in your terminal to start screening. You should see the created screening object in the response. In this case, the check has completed and the result is a clear.
Please note that this is a result based on a simulated run, as screenings are not actually run against real-life databases in the sandbox environmen**t.
Authentication and headers
To make a REST API call, you must include request headers including the Authorization
header with an OAuth 2.0 access token.
To get an access token, you must first create an account, then ClearDil will generate a set of OAuth client_id and secret keys for your app for both the sandbox and live environments. Then, you pass the client_id:secret credentials in the Authorization
header to acquire an access token.
The authorisation server issues an access token in exchange for your client ID and secret credentials. You use the access token for authentication when you make REST API requests.
Access token. The issued access token is valid for 60 minutes. On expiry, please ensure that you obtain a new access token using your credentials as specified above. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Any requests made over HTTP will fail.
All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Any requests made over HTTP will fail.
Request Headers
Name | Description |
Authorization *required | To request an access token, send your clientid and secret values as the HTTP basic authentication credentials. If you use cURL, specify -u _client_id. When you call APIs, send the value as the OAuth 2.0 access token with the authentication type set as Bearer. For example: Authorization: Bearer. |
ClearDil uses standard HTTP response codes to indicate the success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that failed given the information provided (e.g. a required parameter was omitted, etc.), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with ClearDil’s servers.
An error does not indicate whether a check has passed or failed.
HTTP status code summary
Response code | Meaning |
200 OK | Everything worked as expected. |
201 Created | New resource created. |
204 No Content | Resource is deleted. |
400 Bad Request | Request has missing arguments or is malformed. |
401 Unauthorized | Invalid authorisation credentials. |
403 Forbidden | Request is authenticated but has insufficient permissions. |
404 Not Found | The endpoint requested does not exist. |
405 Not Found | Method not found. |
409 Conflict | The request conflicts with another request (perhaps due to using the same idempotent key). |
410 Gone | Resource no longer available. |
500 Server Error | Something is wrong on our end. |
503 Server Unavailable | Service is unavailable (perhaps due to a planned upgrade). |
Error Object
Property | Description |
id string | A unique identifier for the error. This can be used as a reference when you contact our support team. |
type string | The type of error returned. |
message string | A user-friendly message providing more details about the error. |
errors hash | The list of attributes which have errors associated with them. Only applies to validation errors. This will include the validation code. |
Error Types
Type | Description |
invalid_request | Request has malformed or missing fields. |
invalid_sorting_request | No property “{sort_term}” found. |
invalid_patch_request | Specified patch has invalid path or operation. |
malformed_content | Content of the request does not conform to specification. |
invalid_operation | Operation is not supported. {reason}. |
invalid_token | Provided token is invalid or expired. |
access_denied | Access to this resource is denied. |
insufficient_permissions | You don’t have sufficient permissions to perform this action. |
resource_not_found | Cannot find a resource {resource}. |
duplicate | Such resource already exists. |
conflict | Resource cannot be modified because of conflicting request. |
resource_deleted | The requested resource was deleted. |
internal_error | Operation execution was failed. |
not_implemented | Requested operation isn’t implemented yet. |
service_maintenance | A service is under planned maintenance. |
Validation Error Codes
The following validation error codes only apply to invalid_request errors.
Code | Description |
mandatory_field_missing | This field is required. |
incorrect_email_format | The format of the email is incorrect. |
past_date_expected | The date value for this field is expected to be in the past. |
date_out_of_bounds | 1. Date is expected to be earlier than {x}. 2. Date is expected to be later than {x}. 3. Date is expected to be between {x} and {y}. |
incorrect_phone_number_format | Phone number does not meet international format. |
invalid_country_code | No country found for specified code. |
invalid_pattern | 1. For search terms: %, ^,* and @ are not allowed. 2. For incorporation number: Only numbers, digits, _ and - are allowed. |
wrong_value_length | Size must be between {x} and {y}. |
invalid_value | The value provided does not conform to specification. |
invalid_date_format | Invalid date format or value, expected YYYY-MM-DD. |
invalid_mrz_format | The format of MRZ line is invalid, only A-Z, 0-9 and < are expected. |
invalid_constant_value | The value provided does not conform to specification. |
All top-level API resources have support for bulk fetches via “list” API methods. For instance you can list customers and documents. These requests will be paginated to 20 items by default.
You can specify further pages using the page parameter and specify page size. Other parameters include the sort, which will expect a string based attribute name, followed by asc or desc.
Request Arguments
Parameter | Description |
page optional | Specifies the page number to retrieve. Value must be between 0 and 100. |
size optional | Indicates how many records each page should contain. Value must be greater than or equal to 1. |
sort optional | Sorts the records in the response by the specified attribute. Optionally, you can specify whether the records are returned in ascending or descending order. |
Patch object
A JSON patch object can be used across several of our endpoints to apply partial updates to resources.
Parameter | Description |
op string | The operation to perform. Valid values are: add,remove,replace,move,copy and test. |
path string | A JSON pointer that references a location in the target document where the operation is performed. |
value see description | The value to apply based on the operation. The remove operation does not require a value. Possible types: number, integer, string, boolean, null, array, object. |
from string | A JSON pointer that references the location in the target document from which to move the value. Required for the move operation. |
A customer represents the individual or company the various checks are being performed on. To initiate a check, a customer must be created first. The API allows you to create, retrieve, update, and delete your customers. You can retrieve specific customers as well as a list of all your customers.
A customer must first be created to facilitate all further checks. Once a customer is created, we will automatically generate a risk profile.
The customer object
Parameter | Description |
id string Individual and Company | The unique identifier for the customer. |
created_at Individual and Company datetime | The date and time when the customer was created. |
updated_at Individual and Company datetime | The date and time when the customer was updated. |
type Individual and Company string | The customer type. Valid values are INDIVIDUALorCOMPANY. |
joined_at Individual and Company datetime | The date and time when the customer was registered with you. This is relevant for users that migrate existing customers. |
email Individual and Company string | The customer’s email address. |
telephone Individual and Company string | The customer’s telephone number. |
mobile Individual and Company string | The customer’s mobile number. |
addresses Individual and Company list address | A list of addresses associated with customer. |
title Individual string | The customer’s title. Valid values are MR, MRS, MISS, or MS. |
first_name Individual string | The customer’s first name. |
middle_name Individual string | The customer’s middle name. |
last_name Individual string | The customer’s last name. |
maiden_name Individual string | The customer’s maiden name. |
alternative_first_name Individual string | The customer’s alternative or new first name. |
alternative_middle_name Individual string | The customer’s alternative or new middle name. |
alternative_last_name Individual string | The customer’s alternative or new last name. |
dob Individual date | The customer’s date of birth. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. |
gender Individual string | The customer’s gender. Valid values are MALE, FEMALE, or OTHER. |
nationality Individual string | The customer’s nationality. This will be the three-letter country . |
birth_country Individual string | The customer’s country of birth. This will be the three-letter country . |
special_occupation Individual string | The customer’s occupation. Valid values can be any of the occupation categories we support. |
company_name Company string | The company name. |
alternative_company_name Company string | The company’s alternative or new name. |
incorporation_number Company string | The company’s incorporation number. |
incorporation_type Company string | The company’s incorporation type. Valid values are: 1. SOLE_TRADER 2. PRIVATE_LIMITED 3. LIMITED_LIABILITY_PARTNERSHIP 4. PUBLIC_LIMITED |
incorporation_country Company string | The company’s country of incorporation. This will be the three-letter country . |
business_purpose Company string | The company’s business purpose. Valid values are: 1. REGULATED_ENTITY 2. PRIVATE_ENTITY 3. UNREGULATED_FUND 4. TRUST 5. FOUNDATION 6. RELIGIOUS_BODY 7. GOVERNMENT_ENTITY 8. CHARITY 9. CLUB 10. SOCIETY |
primary_contact_name Company string | The company’s primary contact full name. |
primary_contact_email Company string | The company’s primary contact email address. |
Parameter | Description |
type string | The address type. Valid values are PRIMARY, ALTERNATIVE, or OTHER. |
property_number string | The property number for this address. |
property_name string | The property name for this address. |
line string | The first line of the customer’s address. |
extra_line string | The second line of the customer’s address. |
city string | The city or town of the customer’s address. |
state_or_province string | The county, state or province of the customer’s address. If US customer, the US states must use the USPS abbreviation (refer to ISO 3166-2), for example NY, MI, or CA. |
postal_code string | The post or zip code of the customer’s address. This is a required field. |
country string | The country of the customer’s address. This will be the three-letter country ISO code. |
from_date string | The date the customer moved in to this address. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. |
to_date string | The date the customer moved out of this address. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. Leave as null if currently residing in address. |
, city
, postal_code
and country
are the minimum required attributes for a valid address . Where the address breakdown is available, please ensure they are supplied into the correct attributes. For example, use property_number
and property_name
if known, rather than storing them into line
or extra_line
As part of the match object, only the available address attributes will be returned - for example the postal_code will not be returned when not available for a given watchlist entity.
Create Customer
Parameter | Description |
type Individual and Company required | The customer type. Valid values are INDIVIDUAL or COMPANY . |
joined_at Individual and Company optional | The date and time when the customer was registered with you. This is relevant for users that migrate existing customers. |
email Individual and Company required | The customer’s email address. |
telephone Individual and Company optional | The customer’s telephone number. |
mobile Individual and Company optional | The customer’s mobile number. |
addresses Individual and Company optional | A list of addresses associated with customer. |
title Individual optional | The customer’s title. Valid values are MR , MRS , MISS , or MS . |
first_name Individual required | The customer’s first name. |
middle_name Individual optional | The customer’s middle name |
last_name Individual required | The customer’s last name. |
maiden_name Individual optional | The customer’s maiden. |
alternative_first_name Individual optional | The customer’s alternative or new first name. |
alternative_middle_name Individual optional | The customer’s alternative or new middle name. |
alternative_last_name Individual optional | The customer’s alternative or new last name. |
dob Individual optional | The customer’s date of birth. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. |
gender Individual optional | The customer’s gender. Valid values are MALE , FEMALE , or OTHER . |
nationality Individual optional | The customer’s nationality. This will be the three-letter country . |
birth_country Individual optional | The customer’s country of birth. This will be the three-letter country . |
special_occupation Individual string | The customer’s occupation. Valid values can be any of the occupation categories we support. |
company_name Company required | The company name. |
alternative_company_name Company string | The company’s alternative or new name. |
incorporation_number Company optional | The company’s incorporation number. |
incorporation_type Company optional | The company’s incorporation type. Valid values are: 1. SOLE_TRADER 2. PRIVATE_LIMITED 3. LIMITED_LIABILITY_PARTNERSHIP 4. PUBLIC_LIMITED |
business_purpose Company optional | The company’s business purpose. Valid values are: 1. REGULATED_ENTITY 2. PRIVATE_ENTITY 3. UNREGULATED_FUND 4. TRUST 5. FOUNDATION 6. RELIGIOUS_BODY 7. GOVERNMENT_ENTITY 8. CHARITY 9. CLUB 10. SOCIETY |
incorporation_country Company optional | The company’s country of incorporation. This will be the three-letter country . |
primary_contact_name Company optional | The company’s primary contact full name. |
primary_contact_email Company optional | The company’s primary contact email address. |
Retrieve a Customer
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
Update a Customer
Updates the details of an existing customer. This is an idempotent method and will require all fields you have on the customer to be provided as part of request. This will ensure customer details held in your system are in line with the details held by ClearDil.
Please note, the customer type will not be editable once set. Additionally, certain fields will not be editable once the customer has undergone a check:
- For individuals -
. - For companies -
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
joined_at Individual and Company | The date and time when the customer was registered with you. This is relevant for users that migrate existing customers. |
email Individual and Company | The customer’s email address. |
telephone Individual and Company | The customer’s telephone number. |
mobile Individual and Company | The customer’s mobile number. |
addresses Individual and Company | A list of addresses associated with customer. |
title Individual | The customer’s title. Valid values are MR, MRS, MISS, or MS. |
first_name Individual | The customer’s first name. |
middle_name Individual | The customer’s middle name. |
last_name Individual | The customer’s last name. |
maiden_name Individual | The customer’s maiden. |
alternative_first_name Individual | The customer’s alternative or new first name. |
alternative_middle_name Individual | The customer’s alternative or new middle name. |
alternative_last_name Individual | The customer’s alternative or new last name. |
dob Individual | The customer’s date of birth. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. |
gender Individual | The customer’s gender. Valid values are MALE, FEMALE, or OTHER. |
nationality Individual | The customer’s nationality. This will be the three-letter country . |
birth_country Individual | The customer’s country of birth. This will be the three-letter country . |
special_occupation Individual string | The customer’s occupation. Valid values can be any of the occupation categories we support. |
company_name Company | The company name. |
alternative_company_name Company | The company’s alternative or new name. |
incorporation_number Company | The company’s incorporation number. |
incorporation_type Company | The company’s incorporation type. Valid values are: 1. SOLE_TRADER 2. PRIVATE_LIMITED 3. LIMITED_LIABILITY_PARTNERSHIP 4. PUBLIC_LIMITED |
business_purpose Company | The company’s business purpose. Valid values are: 1. REGULATED_ENTITY 2. PRIVATE_ENTITY 3. UNREGULATED_FUND 4. TRUST 5. FOUNDATION 6. RELIGIOUS_BODY 7. GOVERNMENT_ENTITY 8. CHARITY 9. CLUB 10. SOCIETY |
incorporation_country Company | The company’s country of incorporation. This will be the three-letter country . |
primary_contact_name Company | The company’s primary contact full name. |
primary_contact_email Company | The company’s primary contact email address. |
Partially Update a Customer
Partially updates the details of an existing customer.
Please note the update customer constraints apply here too. Only fields to be updated should be provided in the request as a JSON patch object.
Delete a Customer
Deletes an existing customer. You need only supply the unique customer identifier that was returned upon customer creation. Also deletes any documents and notes on the customer.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
List all Customers
Lists all existing customers. The customers are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent customers appearing first. In addition to the attributes listed on the pagination section, the following optional parameters can be used to refine the response.
Parameter | Description |
created_after optional | A “greater than” filter on the list based on the object created_at field. |
created_before optional | A “less than” filter on the list based on the object created_at field. |
updated_after optional | A “greater than” filter on the list based on the object updated_at field. |
updated_before optional | A “less than” filter on the list based on the object updated_at field. |
email optional | A “contains” filter on the list based on the object email field. |
first_name optional | A “contains” filter on the list based on the object first_name field. |
middle_name optional | A “contains” filter on the list based on the object middle_name field. |
last_name optional | A “contains” filter on the list based on the object last_name field. |
company_name optional | A “contains” filter on the list based on the object company_name field. |
joined_after optional | A “greater than” filter on the list based on the object joined_at field. |
joined_before optional | A “less than” filter on the list based on the object joined_at field. |
postal_code optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object postal_code field. |
country optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object country field. |
type optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object type field. |
Risk profile
The risk profile is designed to provide you with a high-level snapshot of the key customer attributes and risk indicators that will assist you in shaping your ongoing customer relationship. It facilitates a risk-based framework for Client Due Diligence (CDD) and Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD).
The values of the risk profile are calculated by ClearDil’s proprietary risk engine and cannot be overridden.
The risk attributes are indicative. Therefore, we recommend you exercise the necessary due diligence and controls in line with your risk-based approach.
The API allows you to retrieve your customer’s risk profile.
The Risk Profile Object
Parameter | Description |
profile hash, profile object | Represents a set of attributes key to customer on-boarding. The attributes are automatically derived from the various checks and operations conducted on your customers. |
risk hash, risk object | Represents a set of key risk factors associated with your customer, to assist you with on-boarding and due diligence. |
last_trigger string | The trigger that caused the latest update. Valid values are: 1. CUSTOMER_CREATED 2.PERSONAL_DETAILS_UPDATE“ 3. CUSTOMER_SCREENING 4. ODD_SCREENING 5. COUNTRY_SCORE_UPDATE 6. OCCUPATION_SCORE_UPDATE |
last_updated datetime | The date and time when the risk profile was last updated. |
Parameter | Description |
watchlist_entity boolean | This will be set to true if a customer is found to be in a global sanctions and watchlists, or false if no watchlist relation is found. Default value is null if no relevant checks or operations have been conducted. |
politically_exposed boolean | This will be set to true if a customer is found to be politically exposed, or false if no political exposure is found. Default value is null if no relevant checks or operations have been conducted. |
disqualified_entity boolean | This will be set to true if a customer is found to be a disqualified entity, or false if no disqualification is found. Default value is null if no relevant checks or operations have been conducted. |
relative_or_close_associate boolean | This will be set to true if a customer is found to be related to a politically exposed or watchlist entity (company or individual), or false if no relation is found. Default value is null if no relevant checks or operations have been conducted. |
adverse_media_exposed boolean | This will be set to true if a customer is found to be associated with adverse media, or false if no adverse media relation is found. Default value is null if no relevant checks or operations have been conducted. |
Parameter | Description |
watchlist string | This indicates watchlist risk level, which is automatically calculated by ClearDil upon the completion of a screening request with watchlist in its scope. Valid values are HIGH when set, or null when not set. |
political_exposure string | This indicates political exposure level, which is automatically calculated by ClearDil upon the completion of a screening request with PEP in its scope. Valid values are HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW when set, or null when not set. |
relationship string | This indicates relationship risk level, which is automatically calculated by ClearDil upon the completion of a screening request. Valid values are HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW when set, or null when not set. |
occupation string | This represents the occupation risk level, which is automatically calculated by ClearDil upon the completion of a screening request with PEP in its scope. This is only applicable to customers with political exposure. Valid values are HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW when set, or null when not set. |
country string | This represents the country risk level, which is automatically calculated by ClearDil based on customer country details, which include the address, nationality, and incorporation_country. Valid values are HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW when set, or null when not set. |
overall string | Overall risk score based on all available risk scores. Valid values are HIGH, MEDIUM and LOW when set, or null when not set. |
Retrieve a Risk Profile
Retrieves the risk profile of an existing customer.
Parameter | Description |
text required | The text of the note. |
Documents can be created for a given customer for the following purposes:
- Secure and centralised document storage.
- Perform certain checks such as authenticity and integrity analysis for ID documents e.g passport
The documents API allows you to create, update, and delete documents. It also provide you with ability to upload relevant attachments to our global document delivery infrastructure.
A document can be created without any attachments as they are optional. This means the document object can used to capture your customer’s document details without the need of uploading any attachments. These can be uploaded at a later time.
The Document Object
Parameter | Description |
id string | The unique identifier for the document. |
created_at datetime | The date and time when the document was created. |
updated_at datetime | The date and time when the document was updated. |
issuing_country string | The country that issued the document. This will be the three-letter country ISO code. |
issuing_authority string | The authority or organisation that issued the document. |
document_number string | The unique number associated with document e.g. passport number for a document of type PASSPORT . |
document_name string | The name of the document e.g. Bank Letter. |
document_description string | The description of the document e.g. Bank letter confirming John Doe’s address history. |
mrz_line1 string | The first line of MRZ string. |
mrz_line2 string | The second line of MRZ string. |
mrz_line3 string | The third line of MRZ string. |
front_side hash, file attachments object | The list of attributes pertaining to the front side file attachment of the document. |
back_side hash, file attachments object | The list of attributes pertaining to the back side file attachment of the document. |
issue_date date | The issue date of the document. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. |
expiry_date date | The expiry date of the document. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. |
Create and Upload a document
Creates a new document object. Optionally, attachments can be uploaded as part of the document creation. Attachments must be uploaded as a multi-part form and the file size must not exceed 4MB. We recommend using files less than 2MB.
In order to upload the back side of a document, the front side must be provided too.
Parameter | Description |
issuing_country optional | The country that issued the document. This will be the three-letter country ISO code. |
issuing_authority optional | The authority or organisation that issued the document. |
document_number optional | The unique number associated with document e.g. passport number for a document of type PASSPORT . |
document_name optional | The name of the document e.g. Bank Letter. |
document_description optional | The description of the document e.g. Bank letter confirming John Doe’s address history. |
mrz_line1 optional | The first line of MRZ string. |
mrz_line2 optional | The second line of MRZ string. |
mrz_line3 optional | The third line of MRZ string. |
front_side optional | The list of attributes pertaining to the front side file attachment of the document. |
back_side optional | The list of attributes pertaining to the back side file attachment of the document. |
issue_date optional | The issue date of the document. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. |
expiry_date optional | The expiry date of the document. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. |
Retrieve a Document
Retrieves the details of an existing document. You need to supply the unique customer and document identifier.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
document_id required | The unique identifier for the document. |
Download a Document
Downloads a previously uploaded document. You need to supply the unique customer and document identifier. Optionally, you can specify which side of a document to download by specifying the side parameter, with front or back as the value. When the side parameter is not explicitly specified, the front side will be downloaded by default.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
document_id required | The unique identifier for the document. |
side optional | The side of the document to download. Valid values are front or back . When not specified, the front side will be downloaded. |
Update a Document
Updates the details of an existing document. This is an idempotent method and will require all fields you have on the document (including attachments if applicable) to be provided as part of request. This will ensure document details held in your system are in line with the details held by ClearDil.
Please note, a document attachment will not be editable once it had undergone a image verification check. Similarly, the MRZ lines will not be editable once an MRZ verification check had been made.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
document_id required | The unique identifier for the document. |
issuing_country | The country that issued the document. This will be the three-letter country ISO code. |
issuing_authority | The authority or organisation that issued the document. |
document_number | The unique number associated with document e.g. passport number for a document of type PASSPORT. |
document_name | The name of the document e.g. Bank Letter. |
document_description | The description of the document e.g. Bank letter confirming John Doe’s address history. |
mrz_line1 | The first line of MRZ string. |
mrz_line2 | The second line of MRZ string. |
mrz_line3 | The third line of MRZ string. |
front_side | The list of attributes pertaining to the front side file attachment of the document. |
back_side | The list of attributes pertaining to the back side file attachment of the document. |
issue_date | The issue date of the document. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. |
expiry_date | The expiry date of the document. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. |
Partially update a document
Partially updates the details of an existing document. Please note the update document constraints apply here too. Only fields to be updated should be provided in the request as a JSON patch object.
List all Documents
Lists all existing documents associated with a given customer. The documents are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent documents appearing first. In addition to the attributes listed on the pagination section, the following optional parameters can be used to refine the response.
Parameter | Description |
created_after optional | A “greater than” filter on the list based on the object created_at field. |
created_before optional | A “less than” filter on the list based on the object created_at field. |
updated_after optional | A “greater than” filter on the list based on the object updated_at field. |
updated_before optional | A “less than” filter on the list based on the object updated_at field. |
type optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object type field. |
ClearDil enables you to meet your AML screening commitments through the application of our proprietary scorecard and fuzzy logic to screen your customer against our comprehensive database.
The API allows you to create and retrieve screening requests. Depending on the scope, a request can include the following screening types : global watchlists (including CIA Watchlists, Government Sanctions, Anti-Terrorism and AML Watchlists), Politically Exposed Persons (PEPs), adverse media and disqualified entities.
The Screening object
Parameter | Description |
id string | The unique identifier for the screening. |
customer_id string | The unique identifier for the customer. |
report_id string | The unique identifier for the report. This is generated once a screening status is DONE . |
entity_name string | The concatenated first_name and last_name of the customer if an individual, or company_name if a company. |
created_at datetime | The date and time when the screening was created. |
updated_at datetime | The date and time when the screening or related matches were updated. |
scope list screening type | The list of screening types to be performed. |
outcome hash | Provides summary of screening result, in line with the selected screening scope. The format will be a list of key-value pairs where each of the keys is the screening scope and the value is the screening result. |
status string | The overall status of the screening for the entire scope. Values can be: 1. CREATED - indicates screening request is created. 2. PENDING - indicates one or more of the screenings in scope are either IN_PROGRESS or AWAITING_VALIDATION . 3. DONE - indicates all the screenings in scope have been completed by ClearDil and matches validated via the matches API where applicable. This means, all the screenings in scope have a status of CONFIRMED , DISMISSED or CLEAR . |
Screening Type
The following table outlines the various screening types available and their respective country coverage.
Scope | Description | Coverage |
WATCHLIST | We will search your customer against our global watchlists. We will also highlight if your customer is Related or a Close Associate (RCA) of a watchlist or sanctioned entity, be it an individual or an organisation. | Global |
PEP | We will search your customer against our politically exposed persons (PEP) database. We will also highlight if your customer is Related or a Close Associate (RCA) of a PEP entity. | Global |
DISQUALIFIED_ENTITIES | We will search your customer against our disqualified entities database which also includes disqualified , banned and barred individuals and companies. | Global |
ADVERSE_MEDIA | We will search your customer against our adverse media database of hand-picked articles from trusted news outlets. | Global |
Screening Result
Screening Result and Description
Result | Description |
IN_PROGRESS | Indicates the screening is still being processed by ClearDil. |
AWAITING_VALIDATION | Indicates ClearDil has found one or more potential matches against your customer. These matches will require manual validation using the Matches endpoint. |
CONFIRMED | Indicates at least one match has been confirmed using the Matches endpoint. |
DISMISSED | Indicates that all the screening matches have been dismissed by you as they were not deemed to be genuine matches (i.e. false positives). |
CLEAR | Indicates ClearDil has not found your customer or any potential matches in the relevant databases, as per the scope you specified. Potential matches are determined by ClearDil’s fuzzy scorecard logic and the pre-defined sensitivity thresholds. |
Create a screening
Creates a new screening object.
Parameter | Description |
scope required | A list of the screenings to be performed. |
Retrieve a screening
Retrieves the details of an existing screening. You need to supply the unique customer and screening identifier.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
screening_id required | The unique identifier for the screening. |
List all screenings for customer
Lists all existing screenings for a given customer. The screenings are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent screenings appearing first. In addition to the attributes listed on the pagination section, the following optional parameters can be used to refine the response.
Parameter | Description |
created_after optional | A “greater than” filter on the list based on the object created_at field. |
created_before optional | A “less than” filter on the list based on the object created_at field. |
updated_after optional | A “greater than” filter on the list based on the object updated_at field. |
updated_before optional | A “less than” filter on the list based on the object updated_at field. |
scope optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object scope field. |
status optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object status field. |
Search screenings
Search for screenings across all existing customers. The screenings are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent screenings appearing first. The following optional parameters can be used to refine the response.
Parameter | Description |
created_after optional | A “greater than” filter on the list based on the object created_at field. |
created_before optional | A “less than” filter on the list based on the object created_at field. |
updated_after optional | A “greater than” filter on the list based on the object updated_at field. |
updated_before optional | A “less than” filter on the list based on the object updated_at field. |
customer_ids optional | A “equal’ filter on the list based on the customer object id field. This can be a list. |
scope optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object scope field. |
status optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object status field. |
A screening request may result in one or multiple matches. A match object represents a potential match as determined by ClearDil’s fuzzy scorecard logic and pre-defined thresholds.
The matches API allows you to retrieve and validate matches relating to a given screening request. The validation of a potential match refers to either confirmation or dismissal of the match once you have reviewed the details at hand.
The Match object
Parameter | Description |
id Individual and Company string | The unique identifier for the match. |
created_at Individual and Company datetime | The date and time when the match was created. |
updated_at Individual and Company datetime | The date and time when the match was last updated. |
entity_type Individual and Company string | The type of the matched entity. Values can be INDIVIDUAL or COMPANY . |
validation_result Individual and Company string | The result of the matches confirmation or dismissal process. Values can be AWAITING_VALIDATION , CONFIRMED , or DISMISSED . |
names Individual and Company list name | The matched individual or company names. |
note Individual and Company string | Additional notes if available on matched individual or company. When none available, this will be null. |
documents Individual and Company list document | The documents associated with matched individual or company. When not available, this will be null. |
addresses Individual and Company list address | The addresses associated with the matched individual or company. When not available, this will be null. |
scorecard Individual and Company hash, scorecard object | Provides breakdown of scorecard results for potential matches. |
references Individual and Company list reference | The reference of listed information. When not available, this will be null. |
associated_countries Individual and Company list | The matched individual country of association. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
jurisdiction Individual and Company list | The matched individual associated jurisdiction. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_reported_allegation Individual and Company list | The matched individual country of allegation. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_citizenship Individual list | The matched individual country of citizenship. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_registration Company list | The matched company country of registration. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_ownership Company list | The matched company country of ownership. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_affiliation Company list | The matched company country of affiliation. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_residence Individual list | The matched individual country of residence. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
dobs Individual list structured date | The recorded date of births of matched individual. When not available, this will be null. |
gender Individual string | The matched individual gender. Values can be MALE , FEMALE , UNKNOWN , or OTHER . |
birth_places Individual list | The matched individual potential birth places. When not available, this will be null. |
occupations Individual list occupation | The matched individual occupation history. When not available, this will be null. |
image_uri Individual string | The URI to the image of the matched individual. When not available, this will be null. |
deceased Individual boolean | This will be set to true if the matched individual is deceased, false when alive, or null when unknown. |
incorporation_number Company string | The matched company incorporation number. When not available, this will be null. |
Parameter | Description |
name_type Individual and Company string | The name type, values can be: 1. PRIMARY_NAME 2. ALSO_KNOWN_AS 3. FORMERLY_KNOWN_AS 4. MAIDEN_NAME 5. SPELLING_VARIATION 6. EXPANDED_LANGUAGE_VARIATION 7. LOW_QUALITY_ALIAS |
first_name Individual string | The first name of the matched individual. |
middle_name Individual string | The middle name of the matched individual. |
last_name Individual string | The last name of the matched individual. |
maiden_name Individual string | The maiden name of the matched individual. |
company_name Company string | The name of the matched company. |
original_script_name Individual and Company string | The name of the matched individual or company, in original script. |
Parameter | Description |
type string | The type of document. Valid values are: 1. PASSPORT 2. DRIVING_LICENSE 3. NATIONAL_INSURANCE_NUMBER 4. SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER |
number string | The unique number associated with a document e.g. passport number for a document of type PASSPORT . |
note string | A note associated with the document. When none available, this will be null. |
Parameter | Description |
day integer | The day of birth. This will be null when not available. Format is DD . |
month integer | The month of birth. This will be null when not available. Format is MM . |
year integer | The year of birth. This will be null when not available. Format is YYYY . |
Parameter | Description |
title string | The title of the occupation. |
type string | The type of occupation. Values can be PRIMARY_OCCUPATION , PREVIOUS_ROLE , or OTHER_ROLE . |
from_date structured date object | The date the individual commenced the occupation.. |
to_date structured date object | The date the individual terminated occupation. This will be null if the the occupation is current. |
Parameter | Description |
name string | The name of the reference. |
from_date structured date object | The date the reference information is effective from. This will be null if no date is applicable. |
to_date structured date object | The date the reference information is effective to. This will be null if no date is applicable. |
status string | Current status of the reference. Possible values are CURRENT or SUSPENDED . |
Parameter | Description |
overall_score string | The calculated match percentage, based on our ClearDil’s proprietary fuzzy matching engine. 100 indicates a perfect match. Only matches with scores breaching the pre-defined thresholds will be returned. |
breakdown hash, breakdown object | The breakdown of the scorecard. |
The breakdown consists of nested object following the convention below:
Parameter | Description |
field_name string | Will specify the field assessed by the scorecard. For individual customers, the values are: 1. name 2. document 3. address 4. dob 5. gender 6. nationality For companies, the values are: 1. name 2. document 3. address 4. incorporation_number 6. incorporation_country |
field_value string | The value of the field. Where more than one value exists, for example a matched individual has more than one name, the closest match will be returned. |
score number | The match percentage score we calculate for a field. 100 indicates a perfect match. |
risk_weight number | The weight of the risk associated with a given field. The higher the weight, in relation to other fields, the more impact it has on the overall_score . |
risk_weighted_score number | The risk weighted score of the field defined as the product of (score x risk_weight) / 100. |
normalised_score number | The normalised score of the field in relation to the overall_score . When this attribute is aggregated across the various fields, for a given match, it should equate the overall_score . |
The following table lists all non-standard country ISO codes used by ClearDil.
ISO Code | Description |
000 | Unknown. |
111 | International. |
222 | Abkhazia. |
333 | Kosovo. |
444 | Curaçao. |
555 | None. |
666 | St. Maarten. |
777 | South Ossetia. |
888 | Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. |
Retrieve a match
Retrieves the details of an existing match. You need to supply the unique customer, screening and match identifier.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
screening_id required | The unique identifier for the screening. |
match_id required | The unique identifier for the match. |
List all matches
Lists all existing matches. The matches are returned sorted by overall score, with the highest scoring matches appearing first. In addition to the attributes listed on the pagination section, the following optional parameters can be used to refine the response.
Parameter | Description |
match_type optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object match_type field. |
validation_result optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object validation_result field. |
Confirm a match
Confirms a customer match. You need to supply the unique customer, screening and match identifier.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
screening_id required | The unique identifier for the screening. |
match_id required | The unique identifier for the match. |
Dismiss a match
Dismisses a customer match. You need to supply the unique customer, screening and match identifier.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
screening_id required | The unique identifier for the screening. |
match_id required | The unique identifier for the match. |
Confirm multiple matches
Bulk confirms multiple customer matches. You need to supply the unique customer, screening and match identifiers.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
screening_id required | The unique identifier for the screening. |
match_ids required | The list of match IDs to be confirmed in bulk. |
Dismiss multiple matches
Bulk dismisses multiple customer matches. You need to supply the unique customer, screening and match identifiers.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
screening_id required | The unique identifier for the screening. |
match_ids required | The list of match IDs to be confirmed in bulk. |
The API allows you to retrieve entities associated with a given match. The associated entities can be other individuals or companies.
The association object
Parameter | Description |
id Individual and Company string | The unique identifier for the associated individual or company. |
created_at Individual and Company datetime | The date and time when the associated entity was created. |
updated_at Individual and Company datetime | The date and time when the associated entity was updated. |
entity_type Individual and Company string | The type of the associated entity. Values can be “INDIVIDUAL or COMPANY . |
status Individual and Company string | The association status. This will be set as CURRENT if the association is in effect, or PREVIOUS if the association has ceased to exist. When not available, this will be null. |
direction Individual and Company string | The direction of the association. This will be set as OUTBOUND when the association type is expressed as the relationship of a match towards the associate (e.g. FATHER ), or INBOUND when expressed from associate towards a match (e.g. SON ). Both directions will always be returned. |
names Individual and Company list name | The associated individual or company name. |
note Individual and Company string | Additional notes if available on associated individual or company. When none available, this will be null. |
documents Individual and Company list document | The documents associated with individual or company. When not available, this will be null. |
addresses Individual and Company list address | The associated individual or company addresses. When not available, this will be null. |
references Individual and Company list reference | The reference of listed information. When not available, this will be null. |
associated_countries Individual and Company list | The associated individual or company country of association. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
jurisdiction Individual and Company list | The associated individual or company associated jurisdiction. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_reported_allegation Individual and Company list | The associated individual or company country of allegation. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_citizenship Individual list | The associated individual country of citizenship. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_registration Company list | The associated company country of registration. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_ownership Company list | The matched company country of ownership. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_affiliation Company Company list | The associated company country of affiliation. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_residence Individual list | The associated individual country of residence. This will be the three-letter standard or non-standard country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
dobs Individual list structured date | The recorded date of births of associated individual. When not available, this will be null. |
gender string | The associated individual gender. Values can be MALE , FEMALE , UNKNOWN , or OTHER . |
birth_places Individual list | The associated individual potential birth places. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_citizenship Individual list | The associated individual country of citizenship. This will be the three-letter country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
countries_of_residence Individual and Company list | The associated individual country of residence. This will be the three-letter country ISO code. When not available, this will be null. |
occupations Individual list occupation | The associated individual occupation history. When not available, this will be null. |
image_uri Individual string | The URI to the image of the associated individual. When not available, this will be null. |
deceased Individual boolean | This will be set to true if the associated individual is deceased, false when alive, or null when unknown. |
incorporation_number Company string | The associated company incorporation number. When not available, this will be null. |
Retrieve an association
Retrieves the details of an existing association. You need to supply the unique customer, screening, match and association identifier.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
screening_id required | The unique identifier for the screening. |
match_id required | The unique identifier for the match. |
association_id required | The unique identifier for the association. |
List all associations
Lists all existing associations. The associations are returned sorted by creation date, with the most recent associations appearing first. In addition to the attributes listed on the pagination section, the following optional parameters can be used to refine the response.
Parameter | Description |
entity_type optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object entity_type field. |
association_type optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object association_type field. |
status optional | An “equal” filter on the list based on the object status field. |
Ongoing Due Diligence
ClearDil allows you to meet your Ongoing Customer Due Diligence (ODD) commitments by providing you with the means to screen your customers on a regular basis against our daily-refreshed databases and lists.
To complement your risk-based KYC screening process, it is recommended that you first perform screening on your customers, and once they have been successfully onboarded to create ODD instructions to apply continuous monitoring, using ClearDil’s configurable frequencies and scopes.
The API allows you to create, update and retrieve ODD instructions for each of your customers.
All of our ODD settings are at a customer level.
Unlike regular screenings, ODD-trigged screenings will exclude any ODD-flagged matches you have previously dismissed. This is intended to reduce the number of false positives and ultimately the manual burden on compliance officers.
Please note if you disable an ODD instruction, and enable it again, the ClearDil KYC Engine will perform a full screening on the reinstated ODD run.
The ODD Object
Parameter | Description |
id string | The unique identifier for the ODD instruction. |
created_at datetime | The date and time when the ODD instruction was created. |
updated_at datetime | The date and time when the ODD instruction was updated. |
scope list screening type | The list of screening types to be performed as part of the ODD instruction. |
frequency string | The frequency at which an ODD instruction is executed. Valid values: are: 1. DAILY 2. WEEKLY 3. MONTHLY |
active boolean | Indicates whether an ODD instruction is enabled. Set this to true to enable an ODD instruction or false to disable it. |
Create an ODD
Creates a new ODD instruction object.
Parameter | Description |
scope required | The list of screening types to be performed as part of the ODD instruction. |
frequency required | The frequency at which an ODD instruction is executed. Valid values: are: 1. DAILY 2. WEEKLY 3. MONTHLY |
active optional | Indicates whether an ODD instruction is enabled. Set this to true to enable an ODD instruction or false to disable it. |
Retrieve an ODD
Retrieves the details of an existing ODD instruction. You need to supply the unique customer and ODD identifier.
Parameter | Description |
customer_id required | The unique identifier for the customer. |
odd_id required | The unique identifier for the ODD . |